jueves, 4 de abril de 2013


En NOV9  tenemos muuuuchos amigos y poco a poco se van uniendo a nuestra comunidad. La más reciente incorporación ha sido la de ANER, artista italiano que lleva varios años asentado en nuestra ciudad. ANER es un artista todoterreno que aprovecha cualquier superficie para plasmar su arte. Sus obras están llenas de una simbología irónica y romántica que reflejan su particular mundo imaginativo. Desde NOV9 estamos felices de poder presentar a este talentoso y querido amigo.

In NOV9 we have a looooad of friends who slowly are joining our community. The most recent addition has been ANER, italian artist who has been based in our city for several years. ANER is a fourwheeldrive artist who takes advantage any surface to display his art. His works are full of ironic and romantic symbol that reflect his particular imaginative world. From NOV9 we are happy to present you this talented and beloved friend.

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